Developing Leaders in Early Childhood Education


Developing leadership in other industries has always been part of best business practice.

The concept of developing leadership in schools is a relatively new idea.  The thought of leadership in child care centers?  Almost nil.

What You Can Do TODAY to Become a More Effective Leader and Inspire Others to Become a Leader


  1. Professional in every area of your life
  2. Approachable and humble
  3. An example to other early childhood educators
  4. Open to the insight of others.  A strong leader will know that they don’t have all the answers


  1. Advocate for early childhood educators in every forum you can
  2. Become informed on the political issues facing early childhood education (there are a lot of items that need to be addressed with the presidential election. What is the true impact of universal preschool and does it work? How would a $15 federal minimum wage effect our rates and our family’s ability to pay for care?)
  3. Participate in professionalism courses and organizations outside of early childhood education
  4. Create a strong team of people around you.  Recognize and utilize other people’s strengths!


  1. Integrity, honesty, and best practices guide every decision
  2. High standards for care and education of students
  3. A strong network of other professionals, both inside and outside of early childhood education
  4. A healthy outlet for balancing the stress of this profession


  1. Those starting out to become leaders
  2. Those who are already leading
  3. Early Childhood Education organizations. Volunteer, become a member or accept a board position
  4. Other organizations in your community. We will never raise awareness or standards if we stay on our “education island”

Thank you for reading Early Education Plantation!

In the comment area, please provide insights and opinions!

Additionally, consider sharing your perspective on the following questions:

  1. Share a time when you were inspired by a strong leader (within or outside of the ECE field).  
  2. What do you feel are the most important traits and skills that a leader should possess?


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